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Top tips to keep stress away this Summer!

Nov 14, 2019

Do you want to stay cool as a cucumber this summer?

Here’s some top tips on how to keep stress away this summer;

1. Help your team to ‘keep their plates spinning’, if they know what they’re doing, your job will be easier and so will theirs!

 plates spinning

2. Set boundaries with your staff i.e. “Please try not to call me when I am driving”


3. Help your team to reach and identify solutions.  Doing this give teams confidence and prevent people from always relying on you for the answer.


4. Take some breaks in your Day.  Go for a walk, fresh air is good for you!


5. Notice yourself, how you are feeling when under pressure? Try to shift any unhelpful behaviours that underpin it.


6. Leave work on time!

work image

7. Create some time to reflect, keep a reflective diary?


8. Prioritise your work (i.e. to –do list?)


9. Create some balance in your work/life, try not to take work home.


10. Now, celebrate what you’ve achieved today!